Category Archives: Website Design

Website Not Converting? It’s Time to Create Funnels

How many times have you sat with a marketing professional, and tried to explain the [...]

Why Some Dev’s Use “Big Words” for Marketing Strategies? (Op-Ed)

My advice to business owners? Find a web developer that you can trust. Someone who [...]

7 Big (But Fixable) Problems That Are Messing With Your Website Traffic

One of our favorite movies of all time, is ‘Field of Dreams’.  But in digital [...]

How to Recognize a “Promise No Deliver” Marketing Team Before You Hire

Every day, our team at Social Me Multimedia (and our sister agency Purge Marketing, LLC) [...]

Website Design Is A Constant and Evolving Brand Exercise

Is website design a ‘one time exercise’ for your business? Designing a website is only [...]

Catching Pageviews: Dynamic vs. Static Web Design

For years the only type of blog or website template you could get was the [...]